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Let Us Help You

Your Support System

I have been where you are. I have sat in your seat. I have felt the air leave my lungs when my child told me they no longer want to be called the name I gave them at birth. I am also a concerned parent who was a bit confused but still wanted to support my child and make sure they know I love them no matter what name they go by, what clothes they wear, or what pronouns they use. Which is why I am here for you, now. 

When my son came out to me as transgender, I was in my second year of my Bachelor’s degree. I majored in Psychology and minored in Women and Gender studies. I had read books on gender and written a few papers, but none of it prepared me for my own child coming out to me as transgender. So, I can only imagine how it feels for other parents who have even less of an understanding of what is happening with their child. 

I have created this website and the concurrent workshops to help you as a parent, grandparent or guardian, gain that knowledge without putting any added burden on your child to teach you. There are several resources available to you through this website. You can start with our terminology section, because there is a lot of it. Since, historically, media representation of transgender people has been misleading and often dangerous, it is important to know what terms are affirming for transgender people and what terms are harmful. One of the most important things to remember and the easiest way to support your child is to use the pronouns and name your child has asked you to use. 

Next is a page of frequently asked questions. This is an ongoing list of questions that are answered in blog form. When I first created this website I answered questions I had when my son came out to me as transgender. As I meet new families and parents continue to ask me questions, I add them to this page. So, if you don’t see your question answered here, feel free to reach out and ask, and maybe it will be turned into a post as well. 

Which leads me to the next resource which is to talk to me directly. On our Contact Us page, you can either sign up for our monthly newsletter email. This is a great way to stay connected, and receive information on new blog posts and upcoming events. Or you can fill out the longer form. Filling out this form lets me know that you would like to have a deeper conversation with me about your child and how you can support them. The long form will give me a foundation of what we will be talking about and enable me to connect you with the best possible resources for your child. Upon completion of the form, I will reach out to you via your preferred method of contact and we can arrange a time to meet in person, over video chat, or over the phone, so I can answer any questions you may have. 

The final way I can help you out is through our workshops. Workshops are once or twice a month and they are three hours long. These workshops are great because you can meet other parents of transgender children in your area. You get to ask more questions, connect with local organizations who can support you and your child, and get even deeper into conversations about how to support your child. 

Explore, learn, and reach out if you have more questions. 

Pride Parade
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